Virus Snowflakes

The beautiful symmetry of snowflakes, when viewed under the microscope, inspired traditional paper snowflake decorations.

A really good microscope will show you that viruses are beautiful too, and also that they are (often) symmetrical.

This booklet contains designs for decorative paper snowflakes - or are they? Look at them carefully enough and you will find that they are packed with virology details.

For teachers:

We have also designed these lessons for Level 3 of the Curriculum for Excellence which will introduce your class to viruses, vaccines and world leading research at the University of Glasgow.

Included are:
- A ready to go lesson plan
- A simple worksheet for your pupils
- Background information for you
- A simple presentation to accompany the lesson

These lessons cover multiple E's and O's and can be used as one lesson or broken down into individual activities to complement your plans.

German Translation

We have collaborated with researchers from HARBOR (Institute for Nanostructure and Solid State Physics), Universität Hamburg to create a German version of the Virus Snowflakes booklet.